Every school should have a prospectus. It can be obtained by phoning the school directly, downloading from the website, and they are usually given out at open evenings or visits. The school has a legal obligation to include information in its prospectus regarding provision for the disabled, but otherwise prospectuses can vary a great deal. This section aims to help parents decipher what the prospectus is really telling them about a school.
Quick Check
If you ask for a prospectus from a school and it is not sent to you, then this is a cause for concern. The office staff should be trained to take such requests seriously.
- A school prospectus should be consistent and clear. It should not have duplication, or contradictory information. The prospectus should be devised with a clear sense of parents as audience. It is a cause for concern if the prospectus doubles as a guide for Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old. students, for example.
- The school and the prospectus should match each other. A good school is honest about the way it presents itself; it does not try and hide things. No school is going to include its serious weaknesses in the prospectus, nor should it. However, it should be genuine about what the school has to celebrate, and play to strengths, not distort reality. A highly finished, organised, impressive prospectus is meaningless, if the school is low impact, disorganised and unimpressive. Therefore, the impression you receive from the prospectus should be the same as the one you glean from the school itself.
- Prospectuses vary from extremely high finish, glossy productions to photocopied black and white inserts in a folder. A glossy prospectus is not everything, but it does tell you that the school is concerned about its client group, and that is potentially a good sign. If a prospectus seems not to be trying very hard it suggests that complacency has set in, or that there is a lack of organisation and pride in the school. Whatever the finish, the document should reflect a culture of high expectations. A specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. technology college should certainly have a high quality finished prospectus, otherwise its credentials are immediately undermined.
- It is a cause for concern if the prospectus describes school arrangements in vague terms, for example, ‘occasionally’, ‘mainly’, ‘often’. The right school for your child must be clear about its systems. It is no good finding out that the Languages Department runs a trip to Paris ‘often’ if that means every four years.You need to know whether the trip runs annually for this information to be valid.
Detailed Check
The information and photographs a school prospectus features should be up to date. If they are not, this suggests a lack of care, disorganisation, and possibly a lack of transparency about the school’s current condition.
- Photographs of smiling children suggest that learning is meant to be enjoyable in the school. Photographs of children doing different things, and not just sitting in class, implies that the school celebrates a diversity of teaching approaches. Any photographs of impressive resources, like banks of computers should be viewed with caution, and their existence confirmed at first hand on a visit. If a school is multi-cultural and values this, it will try and represent diversity in the photographs it chooses.
- The Head teacher will usually write a letter or an address to parents in the prospectus.This is the Head’s chance to present her priorities,and key words and themes can give you a clue as to what kind of school she runs and whether her priorities match yours.
- For example: The Head might want to give a warm welcome in her address, emphasising that students are happy and the school is caring. It might be important to you that the head emphasises high standards in uniform, good manners, politeness and adherence to tradition. A Head might want to make a point of valuing lots of different skills that children may have, and give examples of what these might be, for example, ‘gifted academically…. good at sport….creative….’ If a Head teacher thinks that the school’s good discipline is a key to its success, then this is a place where she will mention it. However, of course this discipline must be seen at first hand on a school visit. If the Head teacher’s address is difficult to follow, then this is a cause for concern.
- A Head teacher should be skilled in written communication.
- A Head teacher who invites you to come and visit, and spells out the process by which you can do this, shows an openness and confidence about her school.
- A prospectus will commonly contain sections on ‘Ethos’ and ‘Values’ which are supplemented or alternated with titles such as ‘Aims’, ‘Entitlements’, ‘Vision’. As written headings and lists, these are good to see but tell you relatively little. They are only worth anything if you see them at first hand on your visit. No school is going to write,‘Values – We only genuinely value the bright children,’ but this might be the case.
- There will usually be a section on current facilities and future plans. However, the facilities should be validated by what you see at first hand. Make sure you find out on your visit whether the plans are provisional or definite.
- It is a good sign if the prospectus includes a section on parents, as this shows that the school values the parent/school partnership, and wants to collaborate with parents effectively. This section should outline the school’s schedule and methods for contacting parents, for example, parents’evenings and reports.The prospectus should identify key people whom a parent would contact if they had a cause for concern. Many schools have a ‘home-school agreement’ which requires a parental signature. This might be mentioned in the prospectus. However, whilst sometimes meaningful, often this is a paper exercise which has little impact on a child’s career at the school.
- If there is a separate section on discipline, it should be precise and user friendly. If a school has reproduced a policy which is clearly for another audience, for example teachers, then the information is of limited use.
- The prospectus should tell you about what groupings a school uses for teaching students, whether they are taught in sets, streams or mixed abilityMixed ability is a system of organising students into teaching groups, with a range of academic abilities
in one classroom. groups. If the school organises students into any kind of ability groups, then the prospectus should describe a transparent process for the composition of these groups. If the selection process seems vague, then this is a cause for concern.
- The prospectus should tell you if there are any specific teaching arrangements in different year groups; for example,some schools adopt a system in Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old. which replicates the primary school day, and is supposed to ease the transitionTransition is the movement between Years 6 and 7*, the most common point at which students move from primary/junior school to secondary school. from primary to secondary school.
- The prospectus should tell you about the subjects students will follow at Key Stages 3 and 4. The information should be laid out in such a way that you are clear what subjects are taught at each Key Stage. Even better, you should be given a clear sense of how much curriculum time is allocated to each subject area.
- After reading the prospectus, you should know if students have any choice over subjects studied at Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject. and how the optionsTaking place in Year 9* options is the process where students choose which subjects they wish to study at key stage 4*. English, Maths, Science, RE*, Citizenship* and ICT* are not normally optional. Students can normally opt for a number of other subjects depending on the school’s curriculum. There is normally no guarantee that students will be given the subjects they opt for. process takes place before Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability. courses begin. You should know which subjects are obligatory, which are optional, what range of subjects there is to choose from,and when and how students get to choose them. You should know what vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. and academic subjects are on offer. It is a cause for concern if there appears to be no clear optionsTaking place in Year 9* options is the process where students choose which subjects they wish to study at key stage 4*. English, Maths, Science, RE*, Citizenship* and ICT* are not normally optional. Students can normally opt for a number of other subjects depending on the school’s curriculum. There is normally no guarantee that students will be given the subjects they opt for. process. Choices for students should not change radically year on year. This suggests a lack of focus and vision or a school without efficient organisational systems. Or it could suggest a high staff turnover which precludes long term curriculum planning.
- The prospectus should give you an idea of day to day life for your child at the school, either through a day’s timetable, or a description of how students spend their time.
- The prospectus should tell you how tutorAlso known as ‘form tutor’.
A tutor is a teacher who registers a class of students and oversees their moral and social welfare. They should have a close overview of each
tutee’s progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured., although it is quite likely that the tutor will not teach the students in their tutor group. Tutors are often the first point of contact for
parents. A tutor is line managed by a head of year* or head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.*. groups and the pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. systemThe pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. are organised. It should make clear who is responsible for the pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. systemThe pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoralThe pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some
schools there is a houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.* system, with a head and deputy head of houseSee also 'Head of year/ Head of house'.
A house is a team that groups of students are organised into for reasons of motivation and camaraderie.
Houses usually stretch across year groups.. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing,
although in recent years there has been
more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.. systems upon raising academic attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.., for example, Heads of Year.
- Schools should include information about extra-curricularExtra-curricular activities take place outside of lesson times, for example, at lunchtime or after school. opportunities for students. Study support should always be included in this list. It is a good sign if a school provides some kind of extended provision, like a breakfast club or after school homework club. If a school is successful in a particular after school sports’ league, then this may be highlighted in the prospectus. It is a good sign if visits are celebrated in the prospectus. However, it is a cause for concern if trips are described which took place years ago, or that only happen occasionally.This suggests a lack of focus, resources or organisation.
- The prospectus should give you information about school meals and how the school addresses the issue of healthy eating.
- There will probably be a section on special educational needsAll schools have an SENAll schools have an SEN, Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for
example, problems with reading., Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for example, problems with reading.
(SENAll schools have an SEN, Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for
example, problems with reading.). If this section includes reference to the school’s SENAll schools have an SEN, Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for
example, problems with reading. policy, then you may want to verify it at first hand on a visit. What to look out for in the prospectus is an SENAll schools have an SEN, Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for
example, problems with reading. section that acknowledges the variety of special educational needsAll schools have an SENAll schools have an SEN, Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for
example, problems with reading., Special Educational Needs, department which is dedicated to students with particular behavioural and learning needs, for example, problems with reading.
there might be among the students, for example, social, emotional, and behavioural.
- The prospectus should have a section on gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme., or more able, students. It is a cause for concern if they are not mentioned, as there are high ability students in all cohorts who need an individualised programme with a high profile in the school.
- There should be a section on school uniform, or dress code. For a school where adherence to the uniform is important, then this will be spelt out in the prospectus. However, any uniform policy must be seen working at first hand.
- The prospectus should mention homework, demonstrating that the school has a clear policy about what, when, and how much is set. It should explain why homework is valued, and how it impacts on school improvement. However, any description of the homework process should be checked out at an open evening or visit by looking at students’exercise books.
- Schools will usually present information on attendance, often for the last three years. It is a cause for concern for the DfEThe DfE is the government department with responsibility for education. Prior to May 2010 it was known as the DCfS*. if a school falls below 90% attendance. It is a healthy picture if the school has 93% or above attendance. The percentage of unauthorised absences, those not sanctioned by parents, should be below 1%. Schools should have systems to chase up absences, so that the only unauthorised absences are genuine truancy. Unauthorised absence which is above 1% is potentially a cause for concern and you should ask about this on your visit. You want to be reassured that truancy is not a major issue at the school. It is a good sign if attendance figures go up year on year. If figures have been below 90% in the past and they are above 90% for the current year, then the school is clearly working hard on improvement in this area. It is a cause for concern if attendance figures are decreasing year on year.
- The prospectus may include a section on how Religious Education is taught in the school. A good prospectus may also mention spiritual and moral development. Unless this is a particular priority for you, this section is of particular interest only if the school has a religious nature.
- Prospectuses will normally include a statement on sex education. The provision of sex education in a school is a legal requirement, and the information should vary little between schools.
- The teaching of CitizenshipThe subject of citizenship equips young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in public life. It is currently statutory at key stage 3 and 4* for schools which are required to teach the National Curriculum.* and/or Personal, Social and Health Education, PSHEPSHE, Personal, Social and Health Education, is the study and discussion of issues students will encounter in their personal and adult life. is compulsory and the information included should vary little.
- The prospectus should inform you about careersThe subject of Careers consists of information and guidance provided to students on employment optionsTaking place in Year 9* options is the process where students choose which subjects they wish to study at key stage 4*. English, Maths, Science, RE*, Citizenship* and ICT* are not normally optional. Students can normally opt for a number of other subjects depending on the school’s curriculum. There is normally no guarantee that students will be given the subjects they opt for..’ guidance and work experience. An initiative called ‘Work Related Learning’ was introduced in 2004, and a school which has a strong vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. programme will seek to make something of it.
- A prospectus might include extracts from the school’s most recent OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report. It is important to look up the report and not rely wholly on short quotes, as the school will be selective about what it includes.
- The prospectus will tell you whether or not the school has a 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications..
- A school will often include information on ‘Post 16’ or post ‘A’ Level destinations, outlining what the students go on to do once they have left. It is a good sign if over 80% of the students have gone on to further educationFEFE, Further Education is education at 6th form level, Years 12 and 13*., Further Education is education at 6th form level, Years 12 and 13*.
. This shows that the school has instilled a desire for learning. If destinations are spread over vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. and academic areas, this shows that the school gives students a clear picture of the choice on offer, and that it values diversity among its students. If destinations are mainly academic institutions, this gives a message about the school’s ethos. If there are more than five percent of students unemployed, this is a cause for concern.
A nice touch in a prospectus is:
- The inclusion of a school newsletter. First of all, this shows that such a publication exists. Secondly, it gives you a flavour of the school’s day to day life, and shows that the school feels confident enough to share this with you.
- The inclusion of some direct input from students, for example quotes or artwork.This shows an effort on the part of the school to value and include the student voice.
- The inclusion of named people to contact if you have queries about particular issues. This shows the school is serious about having genuine communication with you.
- The inclusion of any letters the school may have recently received from the DfEThe DfE is the government department with responsibility for education. Prior to May 2010 it was known as the DCfS*. or LEAThe LEA, local education authority, is in charge of delivering education for the
council in a borough or county. complimenting them on their improvement.
Logos and Mottos
The cover of the prospectus will often feature one or more logos. Some Head teachers are logo junkies, while others show little interest in them. Often, the organisations and awards the logos represent will have very little direct impact on your child.What logos often do is tell you what type of school it is, while others can give you an idea of particular areas of excellence. However, logos should match up with what you see in action at the school. If a school has, for example, a ‘Sports Mark Gold Award’, but their PE exam results are poor, and their sports’ facilities leave a lot to be desired, then the logo is meaningless. Examples of logos you might find:
- Arts Mark – Arts Mark is awarded to schools which show a commitment to the full range of Arts: Music, Dance, Drama, Art and Design. Schools apply for the award, and there are three levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally. of attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school., ‘Arts Mark’, ‘Arts Mark – Silver’ and ‘Arts Mark – Gold’.
- Charter Mark – A school subscribes to be involved in the ‘Charter Mark’ process which ensures that organisations focus effectively on customer needs.
- Excellence in Cities – ‘Excellence in Cities’ is a targeted programme of support for schools in deprived urban areas. Schools involved in this project will have initiatives such as the ‘aim higher’ programme,a ‘gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme.’scheme,and learning mentorsLearning Mentors are employed by schools to support students encountering social or organisational difficulties which are hindering their studies.
Also known as ‘mentorsLearning Mentors are employed by schools to support students encountering social or organisational difficulties which are hindering their studies.
Learning MentorsLearning Mentors are employed by schools to support students encountering social or organisational difficulties which are hindering their studies.
are employed by schools to support students encountering social or organisational
difficulties which are hindering their
- Healthy SchoolsHealthy school status is a government programme through which schools can be accredited if they address certain priorities related to students’ physical
well being. – A school has gone through a process where they have met criteria relating to personal, social and health education, for example, how PE is taught, how health issues are dealt with, how healthy eating is given a high profile. ‘Healthy SchoolsHealthy school status is a government programme through which schools can be accredited if they address certain priorities related to students’ physical
well being.’ is a DfEThe DfE is the government department with responsibility for education. Prior to May 2010 it was known as the DCfS*. initiative.
- Investors In People – A standard granted to private businesses and public sector organisations which have committed themselves to the learning and professional development of their staff.
- ICTICT, Information and Communication Technology is the aspect of the curriculum where students work with and learn about computers and related
technology. It was previously known as IT. Test Bed – The ICTICT, Information and Communication Technology is the aspect of the curriculum where students work with and learn about computers and related
technology. It was previously known as IT. Test Bed project gives schools access to high levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally. of ICTICT, Information and Communication Technology is the aspect of the curriculum where students work with and learn about computers and related
technology. It was previously known as IT. hardware and software and also provides the support required to maximise effective use. It is run by a now defunct government agency ‘BECTA’, the ‘British Educational Communications and Technology Agency’.
- National Mentoring Network – An association of mentoring projects which offers support to members and promotes the benefits of the many types of mentoring schemes to schools and businesses.
- SpecialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. SchoolsSpecialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges., and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. SpecialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. – Each specialism has its own logo. A specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. school is often referred to as a college. Schools can be specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. in Arts, Business and Enterprise, Engineering, Humanities, Languages, Mathematics and Computing, Music, Science, Sports, and Technology.
- Sport England – ‘Sport England’ is the body responsible for delivering the government’s sport objectives in schools. The school is involved in the ‘National Schools Competition Framework’ which promotes competitive sport in and between schools.
In addition, schools will often have their own logo, and also a motto or a vision statement. If a logo is a coat of arms and the motto in Latin, then either the school is one which has a long tradition, or it is trying to give that impression. A Latin motto might also imply an academic bias in the school. Some mottos can use language that is deliberately inclusive, and clearly is intended to emphasise that all achievement is celebrated, for example, ‘We all succeed’, while others might emphasise selection, ‘What we do,we do better’. It is quite common for a school that is a specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. language college to have a motto in a foreign language.
Exam Results
A school should include in their prospectus Key Stage test results, and the results of GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C., vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. qualifications, such as BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.., DiplomaThe Diploma is a relatively new qualification which is supposed to be completed along side GCSEs. The Diploma is an applied* qualification, which means it applies learning to the world of work. Diplomas are completed in specialist areas such as Creative and Media, or Sports and Leisure. and ‘A/S’ and ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally., if appropriate. These results will be for the most recent year, and there should be an analysis of relevant data for the last three or four years. Some important information for a parent is what the exam results reveal about adding value; how much the school has done to help students to achieve their potential. However, most schools do not give their ‘value addedIf a school adds value, it means that it has managed to support its students in reaching a higher grade than they were originally predicted. Schools can use key stage 2 and 3* levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* to measure how much value has been added. For example, a student with a level 5 at key stage 3* is normally predicted a grade ‘C’ at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C.*. If that student then goes on to get a ‘B’ at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C., then the school has added value.’ information with their exam results, instead they usually focus on raw percentages, so it is often a question of reading between the lines to judge a school’s success. It is important to check the match between the quality of the brochure and the quality of the results. For example, a brochure might be glossy and impressive, but the results disappointing. In this instance, the quality of the brochure will have no effect on your child’s experience at the school, but the quality of the results will. Normally schools include national averages with which to compare their own achievements. If a school scores higher than the national averages, then that is clearly encouraging. However, this is not the end of the story. One of the most important considerations is that there is year on year improvement. If a school has results that are consistently higher than the national average, but there is no year on year improvement, then there may be some issues for you to explore. By contrast, if a school is moving closer and closer to the national average year on year, or increasing their improvement upon it, then these are good signs. If schools do not include comparative data then the quality of their own examination analysis is questionable.
Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability. Examinations – GCSEs/BTECS
The table for the most recent GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. results will usually have all the subjects down the left hand side, the grades along the top, the numbers of students who achieved each grade, and the total number of students who were entered for each subject down the far right column. Along the bottom column will be the total number of students who achieved each grade across all subject areas. If you receive the prospectus in the Autumn term, GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. grades for the most recent cohort are often indicated to be provisional because the school might be challenging some of the results or awaiting definitive DfEThe DfE is the government department with responsibility for education. Prior to May 2010 it was known as the DCfS*. figures.
The comparative data will include information such as the percentage of students who achieved five or more A*–C grades, including English and Maths, the number of students who achieved five or more A*–G grades, the number of students who achieved at least one GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. and similar combinations. The comparative information can also be found in national Achievement and Assessment Tables.
At Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability., it is compulsory for all students to study English, Maths and Science, Information Technology, Religious Education, CitizenshipThe subject of citizenship equips young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in public life. It is currently statutory at key stage 3 and 4* for schools which are required to teach the National Curriculum.* and Physical Education. However, not all schools will enter students for exams in all these areas. Most schools will enter all of their students for English, English Literature, Maths and Science GCSEs. Some schools will enter their students for half award GCSEs, for example, in Religious Education, CitizenshipThe subject of citizenship equips young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in public life. It is currently statutory at key stage 3 and 4* for schools which are required to teach the National Curriculum.*, and Information Technology. Most schools will not enter all their students for Physical Education GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C.. Students will either be entered for dual award Science GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C., which counts for two GCSEs, Science BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.. or three individual Science GCSEs (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). In some schools, other subjects will be compulsory for the whole year group, for example, a foreign language. Some schools enter all their students for the same BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.., most commonly in ICTICT, Information and Communication Technology is the aspect of the curriculum where students work with and learn about computers and related
technology. It was previously known as IT.. Results in compulsory subjects may tell a different story to those in option subjects. For example, nearly all students will be entered for Maths GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C., whether they are strong or struggle in this subject, and the results will reflect this. However, if students opt for a subject, it is usually because they have some aptitude or enthusiasm for it.Option cohorts are almost always smaller than compulsory cohorts, so it is more likely that results will be higher in option subjects.
Schools will usually include vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. results in the same table as their GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. results. BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.. is the most common vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. qualification. Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old. students will normally achieve two GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. equivalent qualifications; the more successful equating to grades A*–C at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C., others being comparable to grades D–G.
With all GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. data, national averages should accompany school totals. Always have a calculator with you when you are looking at the data in a prospectus.
Causes for Concern in GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C./ Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability. Data :
- The data in the prospectus should be set out in a way that is accessible to a parent audience. If it is not even clear that the table is about GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. results; if there are abbreviations that are impossible to understand; if there are numbers and percentages that have no context; then this is a cause for concern. The school should be making an effort to communicate effectively with its audience through its use of data. If it cannot make its data parent friendly, it is highly likely that in classrooms, it does not make its data student friendly either.
- Most schools offer English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science as core GCSEs, which means all students take these subjects. Schools which do not offer English and English Literature, or offer a subject instead of English Literature for example, Media Studies, are reducing their students’ entitlement. Subjects should not be taught instead of English and English Literature, but as well as.
- Across all the subjects, if there are more children who get ‘D’s than ‘C’s, then this suggests that the school could be failing students. Schools should be targeting students who are on the ‘C/D’ borderline and moving their grades up. One of the hardest things for a school to achieve, but one of the strongest signs of its success is to move students from ‘D’ to ‘C’.
- Across all the subjects, if there are few students who achieve grades A* or A then this shows that the school does not serve its gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. communityCommunity schools are the standard type of maintained, state school. well. It does not matter who the student cohort are, there will always be young people who are capable of ‘A’grades.
- If the percentage of students (note – not the number) in the ‘A*–C’ columns in option subjects, for example, History or Geography is generally the same as, or lower than the core subjectsCore subjects at secondary school are those which must be studied by all students, for example, English, Maths and Science. ( English, Maths and Science) this is not a good sign.
- If there is a subject area that has the majority of students on a ‘D’ grade or lower, then this subject could be a cause for concern. Most schools, no matter how good they are, will usually have one subject area where things may have gone wrong. Or, they have a subject area which attracts a disproportionate number of lower ability students. However, schools should not have more than two subject areas where most students achieve a ‘D’ or lower. If your child’s favourite subject is an area where students are potentially underachieving in this way, then you will need to investigate the reasons why before you choose the school.
- In the comparative statistics showing the percentage of students achieving at least five or more ‘A*–C’ grades each year, there should not be a decrease over time. A downward trend suggests a school on a decline. Where there is no discernible trend either upwards or downwards, then this is a cause for concern, because it suggests that there is no effective strategy for improvement in place.
- If the percentage of students achieving least one ‘A*–G’ grade each year, is not in the high 90s, then the school is not supporting its lowest ability students well enough. It might be concentrating on another group of students at the expense of those with lower academic ability.
- If the percentage of five or more ‘A*–C’ grades is going up, but the percentage of students achieving five or more ‘A*–G’ grades is going down, then the school may be focusing on higher ability students at the expense of those with lower ability.
- Some schools might not include a subject breakdown at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. level. This is not necessarily a cause for concern, but you should request this information before considering the school seriously.
Good Signs in GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C./ Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability. Data:
- It is a good sign if schools include a written explanation of their results. Paragraphs that explain particular achievements in different subject areas and individual achievements of students reveal a school that is serious about making their data comprehensible to parents.
- If you look down the grade columns ‘C’ and ‘D’ and the numbers are for the most part greater in ‘C’ than they are in ‘D’, then it is likely that the school is good at helping students reach their potential. This pattern suggests the school has a high success rate at converting students who could be ‘D’ graders into ‘C’ graders.
- If, in the majority of subject areas, more students get ‘B’s and ‘C’s than any other grade, then this shows that the school is probably very good at adding value and getting the most out of their students. It also means that the school does not just concentrate on getting ‘C’ grades to do well in the Achievement and Assessment Tables, but pushes students beyond the ‘C’ boundary and further upwards.
- There should be consistency across the option subjects and consistency across the core. So the percentages (note – not the number) of students at each grade should be broadly similar across core subjectsCore subjects at secondary school are those which must be studied by all students, for example, English, Maths and Science. and roughly the same across option subjects. This shows that there are consistent whole school systems contributing to school improvement, and progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. is not just happening in isolated pockets.
- A spread of students across the ‘A*–E’ grade columns, without a bulge at ‘D’ or ‘E’, suggests that the school does its best for students of all abilities.
- There should be A*s and As in all subject areas. This indicates that the school is appropriately challenging its gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. students.
- In the comparative statistics showing the percentage of students achieving five or more ‘A*–C’ grades each year, there should be an upward trend over time. Do not worry if the pattern is not totally consistent. A reduction of a few percentage points one year is not a cause for concern, but the trend should be upwards. This shows that it is an improving school.
- In the statistics showing the percentage of students achieving at least one ‘A*–G’ grade each year, the percentage should be in the high 90s year on year.
GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C./Key Stage 4Key stage 4 is the learning stage from Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old.* age 15 to Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old.* age 16. At the end of key stage 4 students take GCSEs*, BTECs*, Diplomas*, or other qualifications appropriate to their ability. Data in GrammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. SchoolsState grammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. schools.:
- There should not be subject areas that have their highest number of students attaining a ‘D’ grade.
- In the majority of subject areas, the biggest number of students should be attaining a ‘B’ grade.
- There should be a large minority of students who achieve ‘A*’s and ‘A’s in all subject areas, because gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. students are a large proportion of the student cohort.
‘AS/A’ Level/Key Stage 5Key Stage 5 encompasses Years 12 and Year 13Second year of l6th form, 17 - 18 years old.*, or the 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications.*. Here students take ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or equivalent vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. qualifications, such as BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..*. Data
Usually,‘A’ Level results are not parents’ top priority, when they are thinking about which secondary school to choose. However, results in the 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications. can give you some guide to the school overall
- It is a cause for concern if the school uses statistics that are not comprehensible. For example, they might include the average point scoreYou can have APSYou can have APS at key stage 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*. Each exam result a pupil gains is given a number of points depending on what grade they get. A calculation is made as to a pupil's APS, a subject's APS or a school's APS. Schools' achievement can therefore be compared. at Key stage 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*. Each exam result a pupilnbsp;gains is given a number of points depending on what grade they get. A calculation is made as to a pupil's APSYou can have APS at key stage 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*. Each exam result a pupil gains is given a number of points depending on what grade they get. A calculation is made as to a pupil's APS, a subject's APS or a school's APS. Schools' achievement can therefore be compared., a subject's APSYou can have APS at key stage 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*. Each exam result a pupil gains is given a number of points depending on what grade they get. A calculation is made as to a pupil's APS, a subject's APS or a school's APS. Schools' achievement can therefore be compared. or a school's APSYou can have APS at key stage 2*, 3*, 4* and 5*. Each exam result a pupil gains is given a number of points depending on what grade they get. A calculation is made as to a pupil's APS, a subject's APS or a school's APS. Schools' achievement can therefore be compared.. Schools' achievement can therefore be compared. without explaining what this tells the parent. This shows no attempt on the part of the school to give parents a clear picture of what is happening.
- A year on year improvement in results is a good sign.
- Results that show, in the majority of subjects, that most students get below a ‘C’ grade at ‘A’ Level are a cause for concern.This suggests that the school has a 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications. that is not actually for the benefit of the students, and/or that the students are underachieving, and might do better elsewhere.
- If the majority of subjects have a bulk of students attaining ‘C’ grades or above at ‘A’ Level, then this suggests a healthy 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications..
AS/’A’ Level/Key Stage 5Key Stage 5 encompasses Years 12 and Year 13Second year of l6th form, 17 - 18 years old.*, or the 6th formThe 6th form is for key stage 5* students age 16 to 18 studying ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus.* qualifications, such as a BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..* or NVQs, - National VocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. Qualifications.*. Here students take ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally.* or equivalent vocationalNormally found at key stages 4 and 5*, a vocational course has a strong work related focus. qualifications, such as BTECA BTEC is a vocational* qualification which is usually completed at Key Stage 4* or 5* and can be equivalent to GCSEs or 'A' levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..*. Data in GrammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. SchoolsState grammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammarState grammar schools are selective schools. They have an entrance test, often still called the 11 plus exam, which selects the most academic students. Relatively few areas still have grammar schools. schools.
- There should be very few ‘E’s and ‘U’s in any subject area. If these grades occur, students could be being encouraged to do the wrong ‘A’ LevelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally. or ‘A’ Level teaching in some subject areas may be weak.
- A substantial minority of ‘A’grades in all subject areas indicates good teaching and appropriate challenge.
Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject. Data
There are now no national SATsSATs, Standard Assessment Tasks, are national exams students take at the end of key stage 1*. In 2010, some students completed them at the end of key stage *, but they were boycotted by other schools. tests at Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject.; instead, there are teacher assessments. Teacher assessments are the levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally. the teacher gives to students for the work they have done in class.
In each subject, students received a level at Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject. from 2 to 8, while ‘N’ is awarded to students who failed to attain a level 2. At Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject., the nationally expected result for a child of 14 is level 5. Schools should include national average comparisons in their data.
- The percentage of students achieving level 5 or above should be broadly the same in English,Maths and Science. If it is not, this indicates that there could be a weak core subject area. It also suggests that whole school systems for ensuring improvement are not strong, and too much is left to the individual subject areas.
- The majority of pupils should achieve a level 5 or above. This normally suggests that the school is adding appropriate value.
- In all schools, at Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject. there should be a smattering of level 7s and 8s in the three core subject areas. If this is not the case, then the school is failing its gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. students.
Key Stage 3Key stage 3 is the learning stage from Year 7First year of secondary school, 11 - 12 years old.* age 11/12 to Year 9Third year of secondary school, 13 - 14 years old.* age 14, at secondary school. At the end of key stage 3, students are given a key stage 3 level by their teacher in each subject. Data – Selective schools
- The number of students attaining level 4 in the three core subject areas should be negligible.
- The number of students attaining a level 6 should not be significantly less than those achieving a level 5.
- There should be a large minority of students who achieve levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally. 7 and 8.
- There should be no weak subject – English, Maths and Science should be achieving at approximately the same levelsAt key stage 2* and key stage 3* students are awarded National Curriculum levels to measure academic progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.. The levels go from level 1 to level 8. In Year 9*, level 5 is the average nationally..
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