19th February 2013
The BBC has reported today that school wi-fi is not fit for the 21st century. Out of 250 secondary schools surveyed, only 22% of them had wi-fi in all their classrooms.
How does this affect your choice of school?
- Some parents still go into schools expecting to see black boards. All secondary schools these days use inter-active white boards. It is not something that is impressive in itself.
- Technology in secondary schools has heavy duty use. Schools that can maintain their IT systems have pupils who respect equipment. You need to ask pupils themselves how regularly tablets, inter-active white boards, and wi-fi are working.
- Some technology specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. schoolsSpecialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges., and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. SpecialistSpecialist Schools specialise in a particular curriculum area. In the past, they had to apply to the DfES* to be
designated as specialist, and they were given extra money to develop resources in their specialist area.
These schools can also prioritise 10% of their places for students with a particular aptitude in the specialism, although few do. Specialist schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. schools are often called colleges, for example, Science and Technology Colleges. ensure they have up to date provision of information technology.
- Don’t be taken in by high-tech kit on show at open evenings. Parents are often impressed by rows of computers. You need to ask pupils how often they use information technology in their lessons to help their learning.
- Sometimes, the most exciting IT work in schools goes on during extra-curricularExtra-curricular activities take place outside of lesson times, for example, at lunchtime or after school. activities. Find out whether the school has a computer club, or whether pupils enter IT competitions. Sometimes, pupils run computer programming clubs themselves, which is a good sign.
- In some secondary schools, pupils often know far more about computers than they are being taught. Ask pupils if IT lessons are exciting, or are they just learning about different fonts?
- State secondary schools will always be behind the curve regarding high speed wi-fi, and up to date equipment. It is just too expensive. What you need to find out is how innovative and forward thinking the IT department and IT technicians are. Are they always looking for exciting ways to keep pupils up to date with the IT demands of the 21st century?
- Secondary schools sometimes find it difficult to recruit IT teachers. If you are brilliant at IT, you could earn a lot more doing something else. At open evening, try and speak to the head of IT. Do they impress you? Ask the pupils about the head of IT. Does heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. or she impress them?
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