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Parents' evening - A parents’ evening is an event when parents come into school, sometimes accompanied by their child, to talk to teachers about their child’s progress.
Pastoral system - The pastoral system is the mechanism responsible for your child’s welfare. Most schools have Heads of year*, assistant heads of year and tutors*. In some schools there is a house* system, with a head and deputy head of house. These people are usually responsible primarily for your child’s social wellbeing, although in recent years there has been more emphasis in school pastoral systems upon raising academic attainment.
PGCE - A PGCE, Post graduate certificate in education, is the most common qualification followed by graduates wishing to become teachers.
Private schools - Also known as ‘independent schools’,‘public schools’*. Private schools are fee paying, privately run schools.
Progress - Schools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured.
PSHE - PSHE, Personal, Social and Health Education, is the study and discussion of issues students will encounter in their personal and adult life.
PTA - Also known as parent association (PA). A PTA, parent teacher association, is an organisation of parents, with some school staff input, who arrange events for the school, such as fetes or quiz nights, usually to raise funds and generate a social link between and amongst school staff and parents.
Public schools - Public schools are the most elite and prestigious independent* schools.
Pupil Premium - The Pupil Premium is a source of money given to schools by the government to support pupils in receipt of Free School Meals*

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