Free Schools
Free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
were a new initiative from the conservative government. There are currently 79 primary and secondary free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
operating in England, and a further 114 have been approved to open in September 2013.
These new schools are academiesAcademies are privately sponsored, but are still state schools. Previously failing schools which have closed have been reAlso known as ‘Religious Studies' (RS).
RE, Religious Education, is a compulsory subject in state* schools.-launched as Academies. Some Academies are new build with extensive resources., which are publicly funded independent schoolsAlso known as ‘private schoolsAlso known as ‘independent schools’,‘public schools’*. Private schools are fee paying, privately run schools.
’,‘public schoolsPublic schools are the most elite and prestigious independent* schools.’*. Independent schools are fee paying, privately run schools., free from local authority control. They enjoy the same freedoms as academiesAcademies are privately sponsored, but are still state schools. Previously failing schools which have closed have been reAlso known as ‘Religious Studies' (RS).
RE, Religious Education, is a compulsory subject in state* schools.-launched as Academies. Some Academies are new build with extensive resources., which include settingSetting is a way of organising students into groups according to ability.Setting is particular to a subject area, so a student could be in the top set for Maths and the third set for English. their own pay and conditions for staff, freedom from following the National CurriculumThe National Curriculum consists of those subjects and programmes of study that schools are legally required to provide. AcademiesAcademies are privately sponsored, but are still state schools. Previously failing schools which have closed have been reAlso known as ‘Religious Studies' (RS).
RE, Religious Education, is a compulsory subject in state* schools.-launched as Academies. Some Academies are new build with extensive resources.* and Free SchoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
* do are not required to deliver the National Curriculum. and the ability to change the lengths of their terms and school days. All free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
will be accountable like other state schoolsState schools are non-fee paying schools provided by the state. via inspections and tests.
Many of the current free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
are of a religious denomination.
The largest concentration of proposed free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
is in London and the South East.
Critics feel that the new free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
will undermine existing schools, by siphoning off funding, and pupils with pro-active, supportive parents.
Free schoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools.
- can be set up in existing premises, such as commercial or residential buildings.
- are set up on a tight budget, with regard to premises.
- are be bound by regulations that ensure minimum facility requirements.
- are subject to national admissionsAdmissions is the department in the local education authority responsible for allocating children to
schools.’ regulations.
- can only be given the go ahead, if there is proven parental demand.
- can be set up by groups such as charities, religious organisations, parents, teachers.
- are intended to have a unique ‘ethos’ as their ‘USP’ .
Further Information
The DfEThe DfE is the government department with responsibility for education. Prior to May 2010 it was known as the DCfS*. website
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