OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website., Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspects schools, measures their success, and writes reports of their findings. All OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. reports can be found on their website.
How does this affect my choice of school?
Different sections of the OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report have varying significance depending on your priorities and the needs of your child. However, the grade for ‘Overall Effectiveness’ has to satisfy you. You would be very unlikely to be satisfied with a grade 4 under any circumstances. All OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. reports should be read as part of a whole picture of a school, not as the whole picture itself.
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