16th July 2013
Free SchoolsFree Schools are all-ability state-funded schools set up in response to parental demand. At the time of writing, they are a new government initiative. Charities, universities, businesses, educational groups, teachers and groups of parents can set up free schools. are a coalition government initiative based in some part on the American Charter School model. There […]
May 22nd 3013 A new poll carried out by YouGov reveals that parents think sex education should be compulsory in schools. Parents believe that the topics of sexual consent and respectful relationships should be covered. The poll is accompanied by a report that is critical of action taken by the Department of Education to address […]
GCSEs in their current form are to be scrapped, and new GCSEs introduced in 2015. At the moment, students can take ‘modular’ exams, exams as they progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils’ progress from key stage 2 to […]
May 7th 2013 A leading think-tank, ‘Demos’ published a report today which suggested that the way OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. inspects schools does not lead to improvement. The report […]
21st March 2013. The BBC reports today that more pupils in secondary schools are taking up foreign languages than they did in the past. Until 2004, it was compulsory for pupils to learn a foreign language up until they were 16. When this compulsion was dropped, the number of pupils learning a foreign language at […]
School Rebuilding Delayed 13th March 2013 The previous government committed themselves to an extensive rebuilding project entitled BSFAll secondary schools were involved in the government programme BSF. Its aim was to rebuild or renew every secondary school in England over the next 10-15 year period. However, since May 2011, many BSF projects have been cancelled., […]
19th February 2013 The BBC has reported today that school wi-fi is not fit for the 21st century. Out of 250 secondary schools surveyed, only 22% of them had wi-fi in all their classrooms. How does this affect your choice of school? Some parents still go into schools expecting to see black boards. All secondary […]
A recent OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report has found that many PE lessons in schools are not ‘physical enough,’ particularly in primary schools. The report found that in primary […]
When the GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a […]