Jonathan’s parents wanted him to get into School F which had a grade 2 ‘good’overall in a recent OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report, largely because the school had a grade 1 for the section ‘attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school..’ The grades students attained at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. were significantly above average. HeHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. did not get a place at this school, but at School G which actually had a better OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report, still with a grade 2 ‘good’ overall, but with some ‘outstanding’ grade 1 features.Their grade for ‘attainmentSchools are measured nationally in terms of progressSchools are measured nationally according to attainment and progress. Progress is how well pupils have done given their starting points. For example, pupils' progress from key stage 2 to key stage 4 is measured. and attainment. Attainment is how well pupils do according to national averages, and in national examinations, regardless of how good they were when they started the school.’ was 3, because the grades the students attained at GCSEGCSEs, (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are the key qualification students take at key stage 4* when they are 16.They replaced ‘O’ Levels. Most schools make English, Maths and Science GCSEs obligatory. GCSEs have grades from A*–U. In the eyes of schools, colleges and the government, a ‘C’ grade is in effect a pass, a ‘D’ grade or below is a fail. Many further education* courses demand that students achieve five GCSEs at grades A*–C. were broadly average based upon their ability. In his first year at School G, Jonathan was happy, not achieving to his potential, but his underperformance was not dramatic. His parents still wanted him to go to school F. After only two terms, Jonathan got a place at school F, but heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. felt like a fish out of water. HeHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. found the pace too demanding, the expectations too high, and instead of trying to keep up, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. gave up and his achievement rapidly declined. After a year, his parents sent him to a third school whose OfstedOfsted, Office for Standards in Education, is the government body which inspectsschools, measures their success, and writes reports
of their findings. All Ofsted reports can be found on their website. report was an overall grade 3, but it was deemed to be on the up, it had just got a new Head teacher and had plenty of potential for improvement. Jonathan flourished at this school, because heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was one of the highest achieving students. HeHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. very quickly got into their gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. programme. The group of gifted and talentedGifted and talented students are those considered to be the most academically able in the school. All schools should have a gifted and talented programme. students was small, and Jonathan felt special, enjoying being a big fish in a small pond. In Year 11Fifth year of secondary school, 15 - 16 years old. Jonathan got ten GCSEs grades at A*–C, with four A* grades.