In School TH students were set in Maths. Billy was a talented mathematician, but in his first year at secondary school, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. did not reach his potential.HeHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was lazy, and although heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. picked up concepts quickly, Billy could not be bothered to write things down and work methodically. Consequently, when students were put into sets after the first term, Billy found himself in Set 3. At first heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was motivated because heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was easily top of the set, and could answer all of the questions faster than anybody else. However, after half a term, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. lost his enthusiasm because the pace of the class was too slow for him. The teacher gave Billy differentiated work to stretch him, but because heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. saw it as extra work, which the other students did not get, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. never pushed himself. His attention span grew shorter, and heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. participated in more low level disruption. By Year 10Fourth year of secondary school, 14 - 15 years old., Billy had matured, was able to apply himself and was no longer lazy. However, by this time, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. had written Maths off because heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was in the Set 4, and rarely did any work. Billy decided to concentrate on his other subjects. When heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. had arrived at secondary school, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. was predicted a B/C grade in Maths. In the end, heHE, Higher Education is education at degree level or
equivalent, normally undertaken after the 6th form. achieved an E.